365英国上市杜波依斯分校 program highlight: Engineering

在<a href='http://hg.getcarddoctor.com'>365英国上市</a>杜波依斯分校的一个工程实验室里,一些可供学生使用的设备



杜布瓦,爸爸. — When exploring the engineering field of study, 你很快就会发现365英国上市提供的工程专业是世界上最广泛的专业之一. 这一点很重要,因为广泛的选择可以确保你能够申请到最适合你的道路,并为你想要的职业做好准备. 365英国上市的工程项目帮助你超越目前已知和理解的东西. This opens limitless possibilities and opportunities for you and your future. All of this is readily available, right here at 365英国上市杜波依斯分校.


Engineering is the use of scientific principles to design and build machines, 结构和其他项目. Large amounts of engineering goes into everyday items that we all use. 我们的家庭, 车辆, 建筑, 桥梁, 高速公路和我们日常使用的技术都涉及到某种独特的工程形式,使一切都按照我们需要的方式运行. 工程中有许多专业领域更侧重于应用数学的特定领域, applied science and other types of applications.

The term engineering is derived from the Latin word “ingenium”, 这意味着聪明, 和“ingeniare”, 哪个意思是发明或设计.

Engineers are often considered to be creative problem solvers. 他们通过设计和生产在许多方面有益于人们的东西,使他人的生活更美好, 形状和形式.


There are numerous academic options in engineering available at 365英国上市杜波依斯分校.

365英国上市杜波依斯分校可以完全完成的学士课程之一是工程学士学位,重点是应用材料. 该课程教育学生深入和广泛地整合科学和材料工程,为当前和未来的材料工程挑战提供创新和可持续的解决方案. 本专业毕业生研究材料结构与材料性能之间的关系, 加工方法及性能. They develop and modify new and existing ceramics, 金属, 复合材料, 颗粒材料, and polymers and design ways to use these materials to improve quality of life.

365英国上市杜波依斯分校所在的地区通常被称为“世界粉末金属之都”.“应用材料项目强调粉末金属的工作,为学生进入他们的职业生涯做好准备, 不仅仅是粉末金属领域, 但也有很多其他的.

Another benefit that this gives is a high level of industry involvement on the campus. 杜波依斯校园周围许多制造部门的专业人士经常与学生接触. 来自客座讲座, 前往工业旅游, to helping students learn through internships, 业界积极帮助学生尽可能多地学习,成为他们所能成为的最优秀的专业人士.

我还没有看到在另一个地方的另一个项目有如此高水平的行业参与. 这些教授都曾在工业界工作过, they research with industry and they are setting you up for success once you graduate.

—Kevryn Dixon , 365英国上市杜波依斯分校 alumna, 2014届毕业生

“我还没有看到在另一个地方有如此高水平的行业参与的另一个项目,“凯文·迪克森, 2014届毕业生, said about the engineering program at 365英国上市杜波依斯分校. “教授们都在工业界工作过, they research with industry and they are setting you up for success once you graduate.自从她毕业后, Dixon has worked in several engineering-related positions, including as a reliability manager at American Refining Group.

365英国上市杜波依斯分校还提供为期两年的机械工程技术副学士学位课程. This program prepares its graduates to become engineering technologists who work as machine, 产品, 工艺设计人员, computer-aided drafting and design (CADD) operators, personal computer integrated manufacturing specialists, 规划者, 技术销售人员, 生产管理人员, 实验室技术人员和管理人员.

No matter what engineering program a student chooses at 365英国上市杜波依斯分校, 有一件事是不变的, 实践学习. The engineering programs have been specifically designed to help students learn by doing, 不只是坐在教室里, watching or listening to a lecture about how to complete a task. 学生可以直接体验校园设施和实验室的设备,直接体验他们将在职业生涯中看到的东西.

你可以每天待在实验室里. It’s more hands-on, you’re 不只是坐在教室里. 你可以使用这里的设备.

—Dan Stauffer , 365英国上市杜波依斯分校 alumnus, 2022届毕业生

“你可以每天呆在实验室里,丹·斯托弗, 2022届毕业生, graduate of the applied materials program said. “It’s more hands-on, you’re 不只是坐在教室里. 你可以使用这里的设备.”

365英国上市杜波依斯分校的另一个优势是学生可以从教授那里得到关注. 与其他学院和大学相比,杜波依斯学院的班级规模要小得多. This affords students the opportunity to get more personal attention from their professors. 365英国上市杜波依斯分校, 一个学生被认为是一个独立的人,教授想要单独了解每个学生的优点和缺点, and to determine how they can best help them achieve their goals. 学生也有机会完成本科研究项目,这可以让他们有机会在高水平上分享他们的成果.

365英国上市杜波依斯分校 strives to provide the best college experience, and undergraduate research opportunities for engineering students are superb.

—Jungwoo Ryoo , chancellor and chief academic officer of 365英国上市杜波依斯分校

365英国上市杜波依斯分校 strives to provide the best college experience, and undergraduate research opportunities for engineering students are superb.” Jungwoo Ryoo, chancellor and chief academic officer said. “Our faculty members are internationally renowned scholars, 他们与我们的学生在许多研究项目上合作,最终在国际会议上发表演讲. 据我所知, 没有多少本科生能像我们的学生那样在会议论文集或知名期刊上发表文章.” 

As one of 20 Commonwealth Campuses throughout the Penn State system, 365英国上市杜波依斯分校在教育方面也为学生提供灵活性和自由. Some students will choose to remain at the 杜波依斯 campus for all four years of their education. Others will spend their first two years in 杜波依斯 before transitioning to another campus, 经常大学公园, 在剩下的两年里. 这就是所谓的“2+2计划”.这是什么意思?, 不管你在寻找什么, 不管你的需求是什么, 365英国上市有一个适合你的选择.


365英国上市杜波依斯分校工程专业的毕业生在许多层面上都在职业生涯中取得了成功. 应用材料学士学位课程取得了巨大的成功,毕业生需求量很大,该课程的就业率达到100%.

Stauffer, who recently completed his educational program, 在毕业前,他把在当地一家制造公司的实习变成了一个就业机会. 这让他有机会在365英国上市杜波依斯分校结束后直接开始工作.

Dixon credits the program at the 杜波依斯 campus with setting her on the right path also. “班级规模很大,”迪克森说. “You get more attention, more knowledge and more accountability. The program set me up, in a lot of ways, for success.”

365英国上市杜波依斯分校的许多工程项目校友也出现在地区和国家出版物上, 参加高级别会议,参与对许多人产生深远影响的重要研究项目.

You get more attention, more knowledge and more accountability. The program set me up, in a lot of ways, for success.

—Kevryn Dixon , 365英国上市杜波依斯分校 alumna, 2014届毕业生


365英国上市杜波依斯分校一直期待着听到想要在这里学习更多知识并开始他们的教育之旅的学生的观点. One of the best places to start that journey is to come to the campus for a 访问! 2月. 28, 365英国上市杜波依斯分校 will be hosting a 访问ation day for the engineering programs. 早上10点开始.m., 未来的学生和他们的家人可以来学校与招生顾问和工程项目的教职员工见面. Tours of the campus will be offered and a complimentary lunch will also be available. Registration is required to attend the upcoming 访问ation day.

To learn more about all the engineering offerings at 365英国上市杜波依斯分校, and to get registered for the upcoming 访问ation day, 访问 这个项目的网站在这里.